Mankato Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Suffering any kind of personal injury caused by another party’s negligence can substantially affect the victim’s quality of life. Victims can go through countless medical treatments and deal with numerous struggles to try and recover from the incident. Following a personal injury accident, victims can often fully recover or retain some of their quality of life. However, some severe injuries can cross the threshold of regular personal injuries into what is known as a catastrophic injury. In the case of catastrophic injury, the pain, suffering, and losses are so deep that there is no question that the victim and their families will undergo lifelong changes due to the injuries the victim sustained.

If you or a loved one have suffered a catastrophic injury because of another person’s or entity’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation from those at fault. No amount of money can fix the damage that has been done to you or your family, but you deserve to have your needs and the needs of your loved ones competently and compassionately taken care of. After sustaining a catastrophic injury, it’s important to consult with a Mankato catastrophic injury lawyer as soon as possible. They can help ensure that you file your claim before the two-year statute of limitations is up and that you have a strong case to recover maximum compensation for your injury and subsequent losses. 

What Makes an Injury Catastrophic in Mankato? 

For an injury to be considered catastrophic, the person must have been harmed in such an extreme way that the repercussions are permanent and disabling. Victims who sustain catastrophic injuries suffer lifelong issues that require constant care and attention to ensure their physical, emotional, and financial needs are met. Victims often suffer through ongoing medical treatments, which can include multiple, painful surgeries. Even when victims have access to the best care, those living with catastrophic injuries tend to feel isolated and disconnected from loved ones and their lives. People who were once independent now find themselves constantly dependent on others to help them accomplish the simplest of daily tasks, which can cause substantial emotional turmoil and pain.

Some of the most common kinds of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations or dismemberment
  • Severe burns 
  • Severe or multiple bone fractures
  • Neurological injuries 
  • Damage to internal organs

The common consequences of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Personality changes
  • An inability to communicate
  • Impairment of cognitive abilities
  • A loss of movement and sensation
  • Respiratory and circulation problems
  • Gastrointestinal ailments
  • Nerve damage
  • Emotional disorders
  • Significant and permanent scarring
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss
  • Paralysis 

Catastrophic injuries tend to be permanently disabling and can often cut the victim’s life short by years or even decades.

Causes of Catastrophic Injuries in Mankato

Many kinds of incidents and accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries, such as:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Sports accidents
  • Assault
  • Medical malpractice
  • Accidents due to defective products 
  • Dangerous premises accidents

Every case and individual incident or accident is different with its own unique circumstances and facts. The best way to pursue compensation is to work with a skilled and experienced Mankato catastrophic injury attorney. You deserve an advocate who will thoroughly investigate your case, determine who is liable, and secure maximum compensation on your behalf. 

The Benefits of Hiring a Mankato Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Catastrophic injuries are not the same as a general personal injury claim. Victims in a catastrophic injury claim experience far more extensive loss. These kinds of claims are often high in monetary value, which means insurance companies and other liable parties are more likely to dispute or deny claims. It’s vital that victims work with knowledgeable lawyers with experience specific to catastrophic injury cases to help them achieve the best results and prevent insurance companies or other liable parties from taking advantage of them.

A trusted attorney can do the following:

  • Meet with you over the phone or via video and find the best ways to accommodate you for your condition and situation 
  • Do a thorough investigation to understand the effect the injury has on your everyday life and will likely have on your future, including details of your current, past, and future challenges
  • Conduct an extensive investigation into the event that caused your injury to determine how it occurred and who is liable
  • Handle communication with the insurance company or liable party on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery
  • Work with medical professionals, accident reconstructionists, and other industry experts to evaluate the cause, nature, severity, and effects of your injury
  • Gather all available evidence and submit the necessary documents to support your claim
  • Prepare your case for litigation and trial if necessary
  • Answer any questions you may have throughout the entire legal process

Suffering a catastrophic injury changes the course of the victim’s life completely, and they deserve to be fairly compensated. Money cannot make up for the losses they’ve suffered, but it can help provide financial relief for them and their families. A dedicated and qualified personal injury attorney in Mankato can help you recover the maximum compensation you deserve. 

Speak With a Skilled Mankato Catastrophic Injury Attorney at Knutson + Casey

At Knutson + Casey Law Firm, we understand that nothing can help fully restore the physical and emotional state that you had prior to your injury. Those experiences are profoundly emotional and traumatic, which is why our goal is to provide the compassion and legal support you need to obtain compensation. We have the skills and resources to help ensure you recover the maximum amount available for your claim so you and your family can have the financial means to support you during such difficult times. You can call (507) 344-8888 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.