No crime is more heinous or painful as a sex crime against a child. Minnesota law enforces strict penalties for abusers who perpetrate these crimes, including fines and jail time. While these penalties provide a sense of justice to the survivors, they do little to help victims of child sex crimes recover from their injuries.
If you or a loved one were the victim of a child sex crime, the attorneys at Knutson + Casey can help you obtain further justice through a criminal defense lawsuit. With these claims, you can claim compensation for emotional damages, medical expenses, and more.
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In the state of Minnesota, child sex crimes are particularly severe. The state defines sexual abuse as any act that subjects a child to criminal sexual conduct. The abuser can be a caregiver, have a significant relationship to the child, or be an authority figure, such as a teacher or coach. Threatened sexual abuse is also a child sex crime in Minnesota. These crimes can range in severity with different criminal charges attached to each degree.
Even if the abuser is already serving jail time or paid a fine for the sexual abuse, you can still hold him or her accountable in a personal injury lawsuit. Criminal charges and civil charges are two different forms of justice. You press criminal charges against an abuser and take him or her to criminal court, where the jury will impose penalties that are meant to punish the abuser directly. Criminal charges are not directly meant to provide restitution to the survivor. However, when you file a personal injury lawsuit, the claim goes through Minnesota civil court. The monetary damages you receive at the conclusion of a personal injury lawsuit are meant to aid in your recovery directly.
In a Minnesota personal injury lawsuit, you can claim various forms of compensation for damages related to the child sex crime. These damages can include tangible damages, such as therapy expenses, medical care costs, and lost wages. You can also claim intangible damages, such as emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other forms of pain and suffering. The courts can also award punitive damages for especially reckless or dangerous behavior.
Are you or your child looking to file a personal injury lawsuit for child sex crimes? Knutson + Casey can help. Our attorneys have the resources and experience necessary to fight for the compensation you need to recover. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation at our Mankato, Minnesota offices.
Child sex crime charges can have a significant impact upon your freedom, relationships, and the rest of your life. To contest these charges, you will need to hire an experienced Mankato criminal defense lawyer from Knutson + Casey to represent your case. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation at our Mankato offices.
Whenever you or someone in your family has been injured from a child sex crime.
Knutson and Casey Expert Legal Team
December 12, 2024
At Knutson+Casey, we take the time to understand each distinctive matter presented to us by a client in need of assistance. We make certain that our clients understand their options and can make informed decisions regarding the progress of their cases. We have 4 bar certified attorneys as well as 5 expert paralegals on staff to review all legal information and cases presented.