Minnesota Lawyer for Sex Abuse Victims in Schools

Sex abuse in school can be traumatizing for the victim, no matter if it is perpetrated by other students or by faculty. Children often stay silent about this problem and never get justice for their suffering. It is up to the parents or other faculty to be vigilant to the signs of sex abuse in schools and act quickly to get the child out of the situation. 

Many would be surprised at the rate at which children face sex abuse in school and how often perpetrators get away with their crimes. If your child has endured sexual harassment or sexual abuse in school, contact a Minnesota attorney for accountability and justice. 

Sex Abuse by Teachers and Peers 

School should be a safe place for children. Sex abuse cannot be tolerated, especially when it’s caused by a teacher who has been entrusted with the care of someone else’s child. To abuse one’s authority with such acts should not go unpunished. Despite this, child abusers in education have gotten away with their crimes in the past and have simply moved on to other institutions and continued their criminal behavior. 

Sex abuse in schools can happen to anyone. Instances can include extreme charges such as raping, groping, and inappropriate touching. Verbal sexual harassment also falls under this category. Around 5% of sexual violence in schools involves children five to six years old, and this number dramatically increases up to 11% with high school kids

Abuse instigated by peers is also common in schools. For every one adult to child sexual abuse case, there are seven assaults by students, and one in 20 of these cases affects victims younger than six years old. Numbers are likely to be higher given that many cases are unreported or aren’t taken seriously.

Although this is a triggering subject to approach for many people, it is important to learn the signs of sex abuse in schools in order to charge more perpetrators for their crimes and victims can finally have closure. 

Signs of Sex Abuse in Schools 

If you suspect sexual abuse is taking place, it is important to have professional assistance when speaking about these issues with your child. Many of the common signs of sexual abuse can stem from other problems a child is experiencing. Signs are influenced on the age of your child, but can include: 

  • Sexually explicit or violent artwork 
  • Difficulty sleeping or nightmares 
  • Disciplinary issues 
  • Signs of withdrawal and fear 
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Self-destructive or aggressive behavior 
  • Reluctance to go to school or a specific class
  • A drastic decline in academic performance
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Suicidal thoughts

If your child has faced sexual abuse at the hands of teachers or peers, consult with a professional Minnesota attorney for guidance regarding your next steps. Sex abuse lawyers are intent on holding perpetrators accountable for their actions and bringing justice to survivors. 

Contact a Minnesota Attorney if Your Child has Experienced Sex Abuse in School 

The Knutson + Casey law firm in Southern Minnesota is compassionate and confidential when building a case to bring sex abuse perpetrators to justice. We know these cases are difficult for parents, guardians, and the child involved. We are determined to stop the cycle of abuse and will work tirelessly to fight for you. 

For a free, confidential consultation regarding your case, consult the legal team at Knutson + Casey at (507) 344-8888 for a professional assessment or fill out our contact form