Woodbury Slip & Fall Lawyer

Millions of people are injured in slip & fall accidents every year. It’s not uncommon for victims to slip on icy sidewalks, pathways that haven’t been adequately maintained, or wet floors inside stores or restaurants. Likewise, slip & fall accidents can vary in severity, and what might be no more than a stumble for one person could result in a devastating injury for another. When a fall results from a property owner’s negligence, the cost of that loss of balance can seem deeply unfair to the victim, which is why Minnesota attorneys advocate for victims’ rights to civil suits.

Should you endure a slip & fall accident that you believe is tied to negligence, you may be able to bring your case before a civil judge. The Woodbury slip & fall lawyers at Knutson + Casey can stand beside you as you fight for your right to post-accident financial support.

The Overlap Between Slip & Fall and Premises Liability Cases

Both premises liability and slip & fall cases fall under the broader category of personal injury claims in civil court. These two categories have more in common than their umbrella, though. Property owners are expected to preserve their land and warn visitors of any conditions that may endanger them. Failing to do so can constitute negligence.

If you suffer a fall while on someone else’s untended property, it may be difficult to classify your case. Fortunately, slip & fall and premises liability cases have the same statute of limitations. However, a personal injury attorney in Woodbury may press you to learn more about what your alleged position on another person’s property was at the time of your fall: invitee, licensee, or trespasser.

Our Woodbury slip & fall lawyers can walk you through the classification of your slip & fall accident. No matter what category your losses fall under, we may be able to advocate for your right to a personal injury settlement when we take your concerns before a judge.

You Can Take Slip & Fall Accidents to Civil Court

There are distinct benefits to taking a slip & fall accident to court. Your accident claim allows you to hold another party responsible for your accident’s economic expenses. When an attorney submits your claim, it can include an estimate of your accident’s value. If you win your case, you can expect that compensation from a liable party.

To request that compensation, you need to file a claim. Your claim needs to be as comprehensive as it can be if you want a county clerk to move your case along to a judge. This means your claim needs to address the complexities of slip & fall accident liability.

Who to Hold Liable for a Slip & Fall Accident in Woodbury

There are several parties that may bear the responsibility for your slip & fall accident. These can include:

  • Landowners
  • Pedestrians
  • Bicyclists
  • Motorists
  • Truck drivers
  • Rideshare drivers
  • Construction crews
  • Corporations
  • Government officials

You need to assess the circumstances that led to your accident if you want to adequately assert that a particular party bears the responsibility for your losses.

How to Hold Someone Accountable for a Woodbury Slip & Fall Accident

If you want to hold someone accountable for a slip & fall accident in Minnesota, you may need to present evidence to back your assertion of liability. This evidence needs to prove that the party in question:

  • Owed you a duty of care at the time that your accident took place
  • Violated that duty of care through negligence or deliberate recklessness
  • Was not barred from their duty of care by situational exceptions
  • Caused you harm resulting in long-term losses for you and/or your loved ones

You do not have to collect evidence of slip & fall liability on your own time. Instead, our attorneys may be able to reach out to anyone present at the scene of your accident to learn more about your circumstances. Once we have physical evidence, professional opinions, and bystander accounts on hand, we may be able to submit our analysis of your losses to a county clerk.

Minnesota’s Statute of Limitations Limits Your Actionable Time

Minnesota Statutes §541.07 dictates how much time you have to act on a slip & fall loss. You must bring your slip & fall complaint forward within two years of the day that your accident takes place. If you’re not able to present your complaint within that two-year period, Minnesota’s civil courts may have the right to dismiss your slip & fall case without considering the details.

You can work with a Slip and fall lawyer in Woodbury to overcome the obstacles that might prevent you from filing your case. Even if you come to us after your statute of limitations has expired, we can work within the limitations of the law to have a court consider your circumstances.

We can also pursue a slip & fall investigation while you’re in recovery, thereby making the most of the time the state gives you to pursue your case. Either you or your personal executor can come to our office to learn more about how our team can best serve your case.

Discuss Your Slip & Fall Accident With the Woodbury Attorneys at Knutson + Casey

Slip & fall accidents can feel difficult to quantify. This doesn’t have to be the case, though. If negligence contributed to your slip & fall accident, all you need to do is gather evidence of its role in your losses. You can bring that evidence to the attention of a Woodbury slip & fall lawyer to better pursue compensation for your losses. 

Knutson + Casey want to help you claim the financial support you deserve for your slip & fall losses. We provide top-notch, experienced services to any injured parties in the southern Minnesota area. To schedule your case consultation, contact us online or give us a call at (507) 344-8888.