Blaine Car Accident Lawyer

Being injured in a car accident can be traumatizing for the drivers and passengers involved. No matter how experienced or safe of a driver you may be, when a negligent party is involved you may fall victim to a damaging car accident. If you have been injured in a Blaine, Minnesota, car accident as a result of a negligent party, you may be feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next. Recovering from your injuries should be your main priority. That is why it is essential to get the help of a trusted legal professional in order to recover the fair financial compensation you deserve.

Knutson + Casey is a team of personal injury lawyers who have been helping clients who have been injured in car accidents since 1992. We understand that the recovery process after a severe car crash can be overwhelming and leave victims feeling hopeless. That is why it is crucial that you trust our team of trusted attorneys  to handle the legal aspect of recovering the damages you deserve. Our car accident lawyers in Blaine, MN are proud to provide you with the personalized care and dedicated representation needed for your case to achieve the maximum possible amount in compensation. . 

Important Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Blaine, Minnesota 

In the moments following a car accident, it can be easy to panic. However, it is crucial that you try to remain as calm as possible in order to take the steps to protect yourself. Once you have checked yourself and any passengers for serious injuries and safely exited the vehicle, there are important steps you should take to ensure your overall well being:

Call Emergency Services

After you have checked yourself and any passengers for severe injuries, it is crucial that you call 911 in order to get law enforcement and an ambulance to the scene. Not only will calling emergency services help ensure your safety, it is also important that a police report is filed for the accident.

Collect Evidence

Take photos and videos of the accident scene, any visible injuries, and property damage.

Get Statements From Eye Witnesses

Get a brief statement from any eye witnesses along with their name and contact information.

Give Your Statement For the Accident Report

 It is important that you provide law enforcement with a detailed account of what you believe occurred.

Collect Driver Information

Get the name, contact, and insurance information of the driver who hit you. Remember you should never discuss fault while speaking to the other driver at the scene of the accident. 

Seek Medical Help

Even if you do not immediately feel injured, it is crucial that you seek medical attention after a car wreck. This is because victims may often feel perfectly fine following a traumatic car accident as a result of adrenaline. If you have been injured and do not get treatment, your injuries may worsen and become life-threatening. 

One of the most important steps to take after a car accident is to contact one of our trusted Blaine attorneys to get started on the Minnesota claims process. 

What Are the Most Common Injuries Suffered by Car Accident Victims?

Car accidents often range in severity with some accidents being more minor and others being severe or catastrophic. However, regardless of the severity of a car accident, victims can sustain severe injuries even in minor fender benders. Some of the most common injuries suffered by car accident victims in Blaine, Minnesota, are:

  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries
  • Back, neck, and spine injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Crushed limbs
  • Loss of limbs
  • Severe burns
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Internal injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Death

Many people assume that you can only file a car accident claim for physical injuries. However, victims can file a claim for physical, emotionally, or psychological injuries. To get help pursuing the fair compensation you deserve, get help from our experienced team of legal professionals. 

How Much Compensation Can You Get From a Blaine Car Accident Claim?

After a negligent party causes an accident that leaves you injured, you may be owed compensation for your injuries and losses. The damages you may be eligible to collect include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

If you are unsure what damages you may be eligible to collect, our team of Blaine personal injury lawyers may be able to help by going over the details of your claim. 

Contact a Blaine, Minnesota, Car Accident Attorney

If you have been the victim of a damaging car accident in Blaine, Minnesota, you deserve to have a dedicated advocate on your side. The knowledgeable attorneys at Knutson + Casey have been providing trusted legal representation to clients in southern Minnesota since 1992. Our attorneys are committed to making the claims process as stress-free as possible so you can focus on recovery. To get started and schedule a free and confidential consultation with a member of our Minnesota legal team, contact us online or give us a call at (507) 344-8888.